Vocational Student of the Year - VCE Vocational Major

Celebrating the achievements of our valued students and staff.

Henrietta Foley - FINALIST

VCE0000001 VCE VM (Senior Program) Year 12

Henrietta thrived at Holmesglen due to her willingness to connect with others. She is extremely supportive and open to helping other students. It is not rare for Henrietta to stay behind and help her peers with work. Her enthusiasm to get the most from the program was contagious amongst her classmates.

Henrietta would often take on a leadership role during group work, making sure that the work completed is of a high standard and is inclusive of all participants. As she has previously been home schooled, feeling a sense of belonging and being part of a team has been important to her growth.

“I took it upon myself to really make the most out of this new experience and I was eager to learn, grow and challenge myself” she says, adding that the traits students need to succeed in this program are self-belief, courage, willingness to try and perseverance.

Charles Walton - FINALIST

VCE0000001 VCE VM (Senior Program) Year 12

Charlie is passionate about all things film and photography, and he managed to juggle his Screen and Media course along with an external photography course. Completing his VCE studies which have led him to become more confident and willing to take on new challenges.

In his free time, Charlie mostly enjoys being behind the camera and engaging in volunteer work. He leads projects to raise awareness for youth homelessness, works for Orange Sky Laundry charity and volunteers time at the Rabbit Runaway shelter.

His future just got more exciting as he has been accepted into a Bachelor’s in Film and Television at SAE, a pathway to his dream career.

Rivali Brown - WINNER

VCE0000001 VCE VM (Senior Program) Year 12

Riv’s decision to get a painting apprenticeship as part of her VCE VM transformed her life. Her willingness to learn and work hard through this class led to her teacher recommending her for an apprenticeship with McCormack & Sons, a leading painting firm where she is one of four females to be recommended and accepted for an apprenticeship with this company.

Riv has made time to support her fellow students through their own difficulties, readily offering a shoulder to cry on, and being a support person to rely on.

“Throughout her time at Vocational College Riv has done ‘a 360’ with her life and is now a confident woman who has a purpose in life and a career pathway in front of her,” says her teacher, Eva Filinis