We use or disclose personal information and health information for the reason it was collected (the primary purpose). In some situations, we may use or disclose personal information or health information for a secondary purpose. This may occur in the following circumstances.
- You have given your consent for us to use or disclose your personal information or health information (as applicable) for that secondary purpose.
- The secondary purpose is related to the primary purpose, and a person in a similar situation would reasonably expect the information to be used or disclosed for that secondary purpose (provided that, for Sensitive Information or health information, the secondary purpose must be directly related to the primary purpose).
- Use or disclosure of the personal information or health information is required or authorised by or under law, such as relevant legislation or a court/tribunal order.
- The use or disclosure is necessary for research or the compilation or analysis of statistics, which is in the public interest, other than where the information will be disclosed in a publication in a form that identifies any individual, where:
o it is impracticable for us to seek your consent before the use or disclosure
o in the case of disclosure, we reasonably believe that the recipient will not disclose the information
o for health information, the purpose of the research or compilation or analysis of statistics cannot be served by information that does not identify you or from which your identity is not reasonably able to be ascertained and in accordance with the Statutory Guidelines on Research February 2002 issued under the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic).
- We reasonably believe that the use or disclosure is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to:
o your life, health, safety or welfare
o public health, public safety or public welfare.
- We have reason to suspect that unlawful activity has been, is being or may be engaged in, and we use or disclose the personal information or health information as a necessary part of our investigation of the matter or in reporting our concerns to relevant persons or authorities.
- We reasonably believe that the use or disclosure of personal information or health information is reasonably necessary for specified types of law enforcement functions conducted by, or on behalf of, a law enforcement agency.
Learner identity document verification
We are required to check your eligibility to receive government funding, a government student loan scheme and/or a concession fee. This involves us verifying your identity and other personal information such as your age, citizenship and concession entitlements. We use the Australian Government Document Verification Service to check whether the biographic information on your identity document (eg information on your driver’s licence, passport, birth certificate, Medicare card, Centrelink concession card etc) matches the original record. We receive a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the match request.
Using the Document Verification Service means we do not have to make and store copies of these identity documents, which reduces information security risks and the potential for identity crime.
We make sure you are aware when we collect your identification information that it will be handled for this purpose through a specific collection notice displayed in the online my.Holmesglen platform that you use to manage your enrolment. You will also provide your consent to use and disclosure your identification information in my.Holmesglen. If you do not provide the requested information and your consent, we will need to sight and retain a copy of your identity document/s for us to comply with government funding or contractual agreements. You will be required to attend in person at the Information Office at one of our campuses to do this. If you do not verify your identity either online or on campus, we will need to reject your enrolment and will not be able to provide, or continue to provide, any education, training or support services.
Where you provide identity document information and consent to identity document verification, this information is disclosed to:
- GBG ANZ (GreenID), an Australian Government approved Gateway Service Provider, who accesses and uses the Document Verification Service on our behalf and returns the match information
- government bodies and database owners to confirm whether the identity information provided matches the information they hold. Where the provided information is from an identity document issued by a New Zealand government body, information will be transferred between Australia and New Zealand to make an information request and receive an information match result.
We then store a unique identifier provided by the Gateway Service Provider in our student management system. This is used for audit purposes to evidence we have verified your identity or to follow up with you if the information is not verified/fails for any reason. We do not store the original identification document number (eg a concession card, license, Medicare, birth certificate or passport number) in our systems.
You can get further information about our use of the Document Verification Service and how to make a complaint relating to our collection, use and disclosure of the identification information by contacting our Privacy Officer (privacy@holmesglen.edu.au). Further information about the Document Verification Service is also available at the IDMatch website.
Other disclosures
We may also disclose learners’ information to third parties in the following circumstances:
- academic progress information may be disclosed to another tertiary institution or related body as required where a learner is transferring to a new institution
- personal and enrolment information, including academic results, where learners are undertaking cross-institutional study, may be disclosed to the relevant institution as required to confirm the learner’s enrolment or qualification
- personal information may be disclosed to contractors engaged by Holmesglen where this is required for the services being acquired eg debt recovery services
- personal and enrolment information, including academic results, of apprentices and trainees may be disclosed to their employer
- personal information and health information may be disclosed to government and regulatory bodies where this is required under legislation, a court/tribunal order or in compliance with regulatory, funding or loan arrangements (including HELP and VET Student Loans)
- personal information and health information may be disclosed to external organisations such as professional bodies or licensing agencies in connection with your studies
- personal information and health information may be disclosed to a third party, including a parent, guardian or care giver, where learners have provided consent. Current learners can provide consent for us to disclose information to a third-party by completing our Disclosure of Information Permission Form.
Third parties requesting access to information held about a current, former or prospective learner are requested to complete the Request to Disclose Student Information Form.