Your giving options

Explore ways you can support our learners. 


Donate online

You will be taken our secure MyCause donation platform, and an official receipt will be generated immediately following your donation.  
Or call us at 9564 1803 to make a one-off donation over the phone by credit card or bank deposit.

To make an immediate impact, please donate online today.

Regular gifts

Regular gifts, such as a monthly or quarterly gift, are an easy way to make an impact in a way that fits your budget and schedule. Please use our regular gift form below to set up a regular pledge – it takes just minutes to make a real difference.

Set up a regular pledge online

Become a corporate sponsor

Sponsorship makes a strong statement to the community about the values of your business. It’s also an innovative way to build your brand and showcase your products and services. From scholarships, grants and awards to programs, facilities and centres, we offer a range of sponsorship opportunities across Holmesglen.

Donate a major gift

A major gift demonstrates your belief in the Holmesglen vision and your wish to contribute significantly to our education, training or research activities. You may prefer to give towards a particular project, faculty or educational program – or to establish an endowment fund in support of your chosen area. Naming opportunities are available in many cases.

Leave a gift in your will

You can create a significant impact for Holmesglen learners by including a bequest to the Holmesglen Foundation when you write your will.

We can help you design a bequest that’s aligned with your vision. You may wish to support a specific project or discipline, or direct your gift towards our most crucial current needs. We can also help you establish an endowment fund in perpetuity.

On request, the Foundation can provide a sample will clause to assist donors and legal advisors with the type of language you may use.

For a confidential discussion about sponsorships, major gifts and bequests, please contact us.

Need help?

Contact us today with any questions.

Email: foundation@holmesglen.edu.au

Call: (03) 9564 1594