IT help and online tools

Get to know IT at Holmesglen

Brightspace is an online Learning Management System (LMS) used by Holmesglen for both face-to-face classes and remote learning.

Brightspace gives you access to your course learning materials, assessments, course discussions and calendar events, including scheduled remote classes.

How to login to Brightspace

Visit the Brightspace main homepage for additional helpful videos.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a layered approach to protecting your Holmesglen account that uses, in addition to your username/password, another method to verify your account access. 

At Holmesglen MFA is mandatory for all users accessing our IT systems. When you try to access a Holmesglen system such as Brightspace you will be prompted to provide a second factor of authentication.

Watch this video that will guide you through how to set up MFA using the Microsoft Authenticator app.

We encourage you to set up MFA well before you start your studies at Holmesglen.

If you require further help setting up MFA, then contact the IT Helpdesk 9564 1625.

“Self-service password reset” is a service that allows you to manage your Holmesglen account password yourself if you have forgotten it, if your account is accidentally locked or if you just want or reset your password for security reasons.

You must have already registered for Self-service password reset before you can use the service. 

Follow this guide to manage your Holmesglen account password.

If you require a password reset and you have not previously registered for Self-service password reset, then contact the IT Helpdesk 9564 1625.


Contact the IT help desk to report an issue or browse the catalog for services and items. Students can call the IT Help Desk on: 9564 1625

  • Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm (during term)
  • Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm (out of term)

Holmesglen also has an online IT Help Desk where students can go to get additional IT support and help. It is called My Service Desk and is located at:

You will need your Holmesglen student email address and password to login to My Service Desk.

Your student email address is your Holmesglen username, followed by For example:

Once you are logged in you will be able to:

  • Report an IT issue or fault that you are experiencing with Holmesglen systems or devices by logging a job
  • Browse and search the Knowledge Base for IT Help articles

Through My.Holmesglen, you can find individual timetables within the student login section.

Learn business, creative, and technology skills to achieve your personal and professional goals.

See lecture recordings, video content and video streaming. Simply login to see all your E-learning content.

Remote learning is a catch-all phrase for learning where students and teachers are separated either by time, distance, or both, and are not physically face-to-face in a classroom. Other terms for remote learning include distance education, online learning or remote delivery.

At Holmesglen, when we run remote learning, we use tools such as email, discussion boards, video conferencing and our learning management system, Brightspace.

What is remote learning?

Webex is a suite of tools that enables video conferencing and remote team-based activities. It is used by Holmesglen to support remote learning.

Two Webex tools are integrated directly inside your Brightspace course. Virtual Meetings is used for joining a scheduled remote class. Classroom Collaboration is used for remote participation in group discussions and activities with your teacher and fellow students.

How do I join a Webex Meeting in Brightspace?

Make sure you have access to an internet connected computer or mobile device.

There are two ways you can join a virtual meeting (remote class) that has been scheduled in Brightspace.

  1. Through your Calendars event widget, or
  2. In Virtual Meetings under the Webex Tab for your course.

In either of these instances, by joining a Webex Meeting, the application will open automatically. If you do not have Webex Meetings installed on your computer, the application will automatically download when you click to join your meeting.

More information:

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

The Holmesglen learning management system Brightspace is your main source of learning content for your learning at Holmesglen and will be your central point for both remote and face-to-face learning.

You will also need your Holmesglen student email account and access to Webex, a video conferencing technology to strengthen and support your remote learning experience.

Watch a video on getting started with IT at Holmesglen

See our Knowledge Base article on how to test your webcam and headset for Webex

As an enrolled student at Holmesglen, you have access to the Microsoft Office 365 suite. You can either use Office 365 as cloud-based applications or you can install office onto your Desktop PC or Laptop.

Go to Office 365 portal then enter your email and password.

For more information on how to access Student Email and install Office 365 apps, go to these Knowledge Base articles:

You must have already registered for the Self-service password reset service before you can use it to reset your password.

When creating your new password, be aware of the password criteria required when resetting:

Passwords must:

  • include at least one capital letter
  • include at least one lower case letter
  • include at least one number
  • must not contain your first or last name
  • must be at least 8 characters long
  • cannot be your previous password

Follow this guide to reset your Holmesglen account password

If you require a password reset and you have not previously registered for Self-Service password reset, then contact the IT Helpdesk on  9564 1625.

How do I use technology safely and appropriately for remote learning?

It is important to know that your participation in a Virtual Meeting or classroom collaboration is visible to all students and teachers in your class. However, Holmesglen takes student privacy very seriously.

  • Recording of sessions - Sometimes your teacher may want to record your virtual meeting. Your teacher should tell you about this before commencing the session. If you feel apprehensive about being recorded, it is ok for you to mute your microphone and turn off your video. In this way you become an inactive participant.
  • Sensitive information - Remember not to broadcast any sensitive information like passwords, phone numbers, addresses and date of birth.
  • Anti-virus software - For your online safety we recommend that you run antivirus scans regularly and keep your antivirus software up to date.

Where should I set up my remote learning space?

Where you locate your remote learning environment or study space is important and will have an impact on your learning. It’s important to find a space that is quiet, comfortable, and has enough room for your computer and study materials.

When finding a suitable space, think about:

  • location
  • access to study materials
  • getting organised
  • your study plan
  • reducing distractions
  • recharging – your devices and yourself!

Should I change my routine for remote learning?

You may be experiencing a change to your regular daily routine, but you should try to stay calm and follow your regular routine as much as possible. This means:

  • getting up and dressed at a regular time each day
  • eating and drinking healthy meals and food (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks)
  • taking regular breaks during your day
  • making enough time available for your learning to get your work done.

What equipment do I need in my remote learning space?

  • Textbooks, stationery (papers, notepad, pens, and so on)
  • Desktop PC or laptop computer with:
  • Windows 10 or later, Mac OS X 10 or above, installed with current versions of internet browsers Chrome, Firefox, or Safari
  • A good internet connection. Check your internet speeds, via the Webex Network Test. If you diagnose an upload speed of less than 5 mbps we recommend that you turn off your webcam.
  • Audio headset – this is essential as you are likely to be involved in discussions with your teacher and other students.
  • A webcam is optional but does allow you to engage more fully with other people. To participate with both audio and video, you will need headphones or earphones with a microphone, and a webcam with at least 720p for video.
  • For the purposes of simple video conferencing, mobile devices such as smart phones or tablets do work, but your ability to collaborate with others will be limited.
  • Make sure your space has power points for your computer or devices, a power cord with surge protector, and internet access. Ergonomic desk and chairs are advisable and optional are mouse, mouse mats, additional screens, depending on your space and availability.
  • See our Knowledge Base article on how to test your webcam and headset for Webex

How can I participate positively in my remote learning?

To provide the best learning experience:

  • close any applications and browser sessions
  • ensure your web camera and headset are functioning correctly
  • mute the microphone when you’re not talking - it’s good meeting etiquette
  • turn off your camera if you are experiencing any audio or video issues.

Whether you are in face-to-face online meetings, or in a discussion/chat room, there are appropriate and inappropriate behaviours.

Here are six guidelines for positive behaviour online:

  • Be respectful
  • Do your work
  • Be on time and set up ready to go
  • Participate actively and positively
  • Use your own work
  • Be an active member of the remote learning community