Census dates

Final dates for you to withdraw without incurring a debt.

Census dates are the final dates for you to withdraw from subject/s (or part of a course) without incurring a debt to the Australian Government.

Withdrawal after the relevant Census dates will mean that you will incur a HELP Loan or VET Student Loan debt for the registered subject/s in the course in which you are enrolled.

For diploma, advanced diploma (VET) and degree students, the Census dates are based on the start and end dates of the subject/s (20 per cent of the way between the start and end date of the subject) in which you are registered.

Each course has at least three census dates over the duration of the course and tuition fees are reasonably apportioned at each census date.

If you wish to apply for FEE HELP, HECS-HELP, SA HELP Loans or VET Student Loan to help you pay your tuition fees for the full course or parts of a course you must complete your request for HELP loan prior to the commencement of classes.

For information about VET Student Loans, read the VET Student Loans Information booklet at VET Student Loan, issued by the Australian Government.

For information about HELP loans, read the relevant HELP information booklet at HELP publications or StudyAssist, issued by the Australian Government.

2025 Census dates

  • January 6 and 20
  • February 4 and 18
  • March 4 and 18
  • April 8  and 22
  • May 5  and 19
  • June 4 and 18
  • July 4 and 18
  • August 4 and 18
  • September 4  and 18
  • October 6 and 20
  • November 5  and 19
  • December 4  and 18