During your studies, you will gain a detailed understanding of Work, Health and Safety in Volunteer organisations, learn how to communicate and work in a health or wellness organisation, work with diverse groups and individuals and how to recognise individual needs when providing assistance or customer service.<p>Practical Placement is a key component for this qualification. It is a structured program designed to give all learners in the CHCVOL001 Be an effective volunteer unit a true ‘hands on’ experience prior to entering the industry. Practical placement is designed to bridge the gap between study and employment.
You may be able to reduce the number of units to be studied in your chosen course by measuring skills acquired through work, life experiences or qualifications obtained from formal studies or training. AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by another registered training organisation will be recognised by Holmesglen. Read more about Recognition of Prior Learning, Credits and Advanced Standing.
For VET Delivered to Secondary Students Contact your school to discuss fees
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