Online workshops

The Learning Skills Centre offers a range of information and computer skill workshops. These are online sessions and free to Holmesglen students.

Online Mini Workshops

What you’ll Learn:

  • Use Microsoft Word for developing assessments. 
  • Most common used functions and shortcuts in Microsoft Excel
  • Create and enhance Microsoft PowerPoint presentations with animations, transitions, and dynamic backgrounds.
  • Most common used functions and shortcuts in Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Outlook operations (recall, auto-reply, send/ receive emails with attachments)
  • Improve your computer safety awareness. 

For online mini workshops timetable and details, please see below:

Please note that there are no computer skills online workshops scheduled during the term break. If you require computer skills support during this period, please contact the Learning Skills Centre to arrange an appointment. 

Cannot attend the online mini workshops? Contact the Learning Skills Centre for personalised support:


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