Campus tours

Online booking form

Visit one of our campuses and explore a world of opportunities and career pathways. Tours include a presentation on Holmesglen, VETDSS, hands-on learning opportunities, and available pathway options. Following the presentation, you'll embark on a guided tour of our state-of-the-art facilities. Tours normally run for 90 minutes.

Booking for a campus tour

To schedule a campus tour and presentation at Holmesglen, kindly fill out the form fields below. We'll make every effort to accommodate your preferred date for the visit.

For those not participating as part of a school group, please consider attending the Open Day event instead.

All fields marked with an asterix (*) are mandatory.

About you
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Students *
International students attending? *
Students with extra needs (provide details below) *

Disclaimer: Holmesglen staff and ambassadors cannot take on the duty of care for your students attending a campus tour. Teachers are required to supervise their students throughout the visit. A minimum of 10 students are required for a tour booking. 

While we will endeavour to accommodate your nominated dates and times, if these are unavailable, we will contact you directly to find an alternative date where possible. All tour requests will be confirmed in writing by email.

Please tick the checkbox below if you have read all the information.