Victorian Apprentice of the Year honour for Chhunly Taing

Chhunly Taing - Victorian Training Awards

Civil construction graduate Chhunly Taing was named Apprentice of the Year at a special Victorian Training Awards ceremony.

A trailblazer for women in trades, Chhunly completed the RII30920 Certificate III in Civil Construction at our Drummond Street campus and has become a proud ambassador for vocational training.

Chhunly’s passion was further celebrated with a People’s Choice Award at the 68th Annual Victorian Training Awards.

Chhunly’s story of ambition and dedication

Since completing her course, Chhunly has become a leading hand at the Metro Tunnel’s Parkville Station.

She is a respected employee at Cross Yarra Partnership, where she helps delegate jobs from the foreman and superintendent.

Among her greatest achievements, Chhunly points to breaking down barriers for women in trades as a career highlight.

“I believe I have made a real contribution to my workplace by changing the way men view women in the construction industry.

“A highlight is these men telling me they love that I’m breaking barriers for their daughters and granddaughters,” Chhunly said.

It has been a memorable year for Chhunly, who was also awarded the George Kline Apprentice of the Year at our annual Awards Festival.

Student success shines at Victorian Training Awards

Joining Chhunly on the winner’s list is Chelsea Cooke who was presented with the Koorie Student of the Year People’s Choice Award.

It was a triple treat throughout the Victorian Training Awards as we celebrated the success of Chhunly, Chelsea (AHC31416 Certificate III in Conservation and Land Management), as well as Amanda Meehan (Vocational Student of the Year finalist, HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing).


You can read their stories on our news page.

In further highlights, Holmesglen fashion learner TJ Van Der Meulen had the honour of designing the scarf for the Minister for Training and Skills, and Higher Education, the Hon. Gayle Tierney MP.

Meanwhile, our floristry students transformed the award ceremony’s table settings with beautiful floral arrangements.

A history of excellence

Chhunly becomes the second Holmesglen apprentice to take out the Apprentice of the Year award in recent years for Holmesglen.

Jake Carter was named Apprentice of the Year at the 2019 Victorian Training Awards.

Holmesglen is also a four-time Industry Collaboration award winner, most recently for our partnership with CYP Design and Construction on the Victorian Tunnelling Centre.

At the 2022 ceremony, Holmesglen’s Chief Executive, Mary Faraone received the Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement at the Victorian Training Awards.

The Victorian Training Awards writes, "recipients of this prestigious award have reached the pinnacle of their profession and demonstrated more than 25 years of commitment to outstanding leadership and contribution to the VET sector."

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