Jodie’s journey from true crime buff to justice worker

Jodie, an Associate for a County Court Judge, sits in an office on a green chair, with cabinets and shelves in the background.

After spending her twenties in a finance career and more than two decades as a salon and beauty business owner, Jodie Daniel decided to make a significant career change in her fifties.

Having been a work at home mum to three teenaged children, Jodie wanted to explore her options and she joined the Diploma of Justice course, drawn by her love for legal drama.

“Justice work has always appealed to me in any format. Be it law or policing, I have always been a fan of books and crime shows. Had I gotten the chance to finish school and go to university, law was something I would have studied when I was younger. But life took over, and I never had that opportunity, until now.”

Jodie’s experience studying a justice course

Despite experiencing some apprehension about returning to study, Jodie found that the atmosphere during the Diploma of Justice course at Holmesglen was welcoming and supportive and she was soon able to thrive in this setting.

"I was full of reservations about being a mature-aged student but was pleasantly surprised that I was not the only one and that it was so easy to blend into a learning environment again.

"My teachers were amazing. I really bonded with some of them and it’s their support that encouraged me. I loved my time at Holmesglen and when the course was over, I missed coming in. I truly made some lifetime friends during my course.”

What makes the Diploma of Justice course at Holmesglen unique?

Blending theory with practice brings the workplace experience to our students, while making their learning experience dynamic and exciting. In addition to a constant stream of guest speakers from local law enforcement and legal arenas, mock court performances and simulated workplace scenarios allow students to get a feel of real-world justice work in the classroom.

“I enjoyed the course work enormously, especially the practical components where we engaged in role play activity and participated in mock trials,” says Jodie

Holmesglen also provides a unique opportunity for students to engage in the Victoria Police Role Player Program that gives them valuable insight into the justice system.

How to get hired in the legal justice field

During the course, Diploma of Justice students are presented with numerous opportunities to attend industry events and seminars and engage in volunteer work that allows them to network with industry representatives.

“Towards the end of my course, I felt anxious about finding employment as I felt more opportunities would be available for younger graduates. However, an opportunity presented itself through Holmesglen and I managed to successfully secure the first job I applied for in decades.”

Jodie now works as an Associate for a County Court Judge, where she applies the knowledge and skills she gained during her studies.

Jodie’s advice for aspiring justice workers

“If you have a passion for justice, pursue that dream, and it will be the most rewarding career.

"Just do it now, don’t be held back by fears of failing or not being the right age or the right time for it.”

Discover more about our Diploma of Justice course, which can be studied on campus or online.

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