Throughout the course students will learn how to communicate event ideas, gather information, plan and organise activities, work in teams and solve problems.<p>In the first year students will develop and promote a special themed event, put an event proposal together for an 'in-house' customer and organise an end of year event.<p>The focus for the second year is to further develop skills and knowledge of the events industry by running a larger Holmesglen in-house event. This will develop skills in meeting management, team building, client liaison and coordinating events.<p>This course is a great introduction into the SIT50322 - Diploma of Event Management, where students will continue to extend the skills and knowledge they have gained to establish themselves in this industry.<p>The program is a VET delivered to secondary students (previously VETiS) course and can only be completed as part of a VCE or VPC program.
You may be able to reduce the number of units to be studied in your chosen course by measuring skills acquired through work, life experiences or qualifications obtained from formal studies or training. AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by another registered training organisation will be recognised by Holmesglen. Read more about Recognition of Prior Learning, Credits and Advanced Standing.
For VET Delivered to Secondary Students Contact your school to discuss fees
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